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Joburg Ballet BackaBuddy

Joburg Ballet BackaBuddy

Joburg Ballet’s BackaBuddy page was created in November 2020 and has been aimed at projects to be run for Joburg Ballet and by Joburg Ballet when it concerns acting as benefactor to our two existing charities of choice, Kitty and Puppy Haven and Teddy Bear Clinic.

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Joburg Ballet BackaBuddy

Joburg Ballet BackaBuddy

Joburg Ballet’s BackaBuddy page was created in November 2020 and has been aimed at projects to be run for Joburg Ballet and by Joburg Ballet when it concerns acting as benefactor to our two existing charities of choice, Kitty and Puppy Haven and Teddy Bear Clinic.

To our kind patrons and donors who deposited into Joburg Ballet’s BackaBuddy page, none of this would have been possible without you! No matter how small, every amount donated is treasured and has seen us raise over R70 000.

With the help of Friends of the Ballet, Friends with Threads and our patrons, the list of achievements through BackaBuddy since November 2020 range from purchasing over 60 stationary packs for children and pregnant teen moms, books for children, supplementing Kitty and Puppy Haven with dog food, cat food, tick and flea powder and treats, cash donations to both charities and implementing a Wellness programme for dancers.

Your support is vital

Your support is vital

  • Joburg Ballet is a registered charity and there are many ways you can help us
  • Sponsorship is crucial if we’re to continue developing and taking our work to the widest possible audience
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Your support is vital

Your support is vital

  • There are many ways you can help, from sponsoring a production to paying for a dancer’s pointe shoes, or assisting aspiring young dancers pay their tuition fees.
  • We invite you to join the generous corporate sponsors and individual donors already contributing to our growth and sustainability.
  • Joburg Ballet is a registered charity and there are many ways you can help us
  • Sponsorship is crucial if we’re to continue developing and taking our work to the widest possible audience
Friends of the Ballet
  • Through special events and exclusive invitations it allows the wider community to play a vital role in building Joburg Ballet and securing a future home for young dancers. FOTB has a number of membership categories, all enjoying special benefits, including priority booking and invitations to dress rehearsals and pre-performance talks.

Friends of the Ballet

  • Friends of the Ballet has been one of the major sponsors funding key projects for Joburg Ballet.
    Join them and help make a difference.
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Friends of the Ballet
  • Cost to Joburg Ballet - All costs will generally include flights, accommodation, S&T, rights for streaming and royalty fees per performance over and above the original total fee to the choreographer = anywhere from R50 000 to R120 000 per choreographer.

Choreographers, External Teachers and Pianist

  • Exposing our dancers to either current international practices, or perform different genres of dance that they would not have been able to under normal circumstances.
  • Allowing Choreographers the opportunity to get to produce works on professional ballet dancers
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Dance Footwear
    Ballet pumps and accessories (Gentlemen and Ladies)
  • Canvas Sansha ballet pumps = R480 per pair
  • Grishko Dreamstretch ballet pumps = R470 per pair
  • Kryolan shoe pan = R432 (per colour)

Dance Footwear

  • General Lifespan of product – Men go through 1 pair of pumps once a month, ladies go through 1 pair once a year. One container of Kryolan shoe pan is enough to dye 3 to 4 pairs of pumps.
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Make-up, hair accessories, other dance necessities
  • Highlighting of a dancers facial features through make-up aids in the expressiveness of the dancer enabling the audience to read facial features in this silent Art. Make up is also essential to a choreographers “vision “or “look”.

Make-up, hair accessories, other dance necessities

  • Dancers need to be well groomed in a particular way, as it is imperative for the dancer to not only embody the traditionally strong balletic identity;
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